Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2008 Events List (draft)

I wanted to identify our post events that I am aware of for 2008.

10 Feb 2008 - Next Legion Rider Meeting - 1400hrs at the club

9 March 2008 - March Legion Rider meeting - also Meat wheel will be this afternoon after the meeting (~1500hrs) a couple Legion Riders will be helping the club with this event.

13 April 2008 - Legion Rider Meeting - 1400hrs at the club (if good weather - ride to follow)

10 May 2008 - Freedom Run to Ground zero - Motorcycle Run & Festival Registration - begins at 9 am at the Hackensack Courthouse Parking lot Departure – 11 am Sharp! Beneficiary - the 9/11 Rescue Worker’s Foundation As always, the run is totally FREE! All you need is $7 for the GWB toll (NO EZ PASS, we will be bypassing the toll plaza and taking the emergency vehicle ramp onto the GWB}. This year the Freedom Run & Festival will benefit the 9/11 Rescue Workers Foundation, established to assist Ground Zero workers (and their families) who have become sick or permanently disabled from September 11th and the days that followed. The day will begin with a brief ceremony at the start point. The police-escorted run crosses the GWB, winds past Ground Zero and ends up at Liberty State Park, Food, vendors, etc For more info visit or call 201.843.6930

17 May 2008 - Legion Riders Post 588 election of officers - Meeting will begin at 1500hrs after flag planting

17 May 2008 - Flag planting on Veteran's Graves with Legion Post. Anticipated date for Flags to be placed on South Side Easton Veteran's graves by Post 588. approximately 1750 flags are placed in 8 south side cemetaries. Post 588 Service Officer Mike H. will publish more details in upcoming months. Expected start time is 1100hrs

24-26 May 2008 - Rolling Thunder ride to the Wall in Washington, DC. draft agenda as follows Saturday 24 May 0900hrs - depart Post 588 and ride via Rt 100, Rt 1, Balt-Wash parkway to NE Washington. Hotel Saturday night - depart Sunday (Early) for the Pentagon Parking lot where event starts - option A is to ride back Sunday (long day) or option B is to ride back Monday (Memorial Day). Lodging would be tentatively planned for Super 8 College Park, 9150 BALTIMORE AVE College Park, MD 20740-1348 - ~$75 / night - DC Suburbs Northeast Area with good parking, etc...

21 June 2008 - Post 588 American Legion Riders located in Easton, PA is hosting a Poker Run with the Hokendaqua ALR Post 739 on 21 June 2008 - Rain or Shine. Poker Run will commence at the Rice-Ebner Post 588 Legion Post at 423 Davis Street, Easton, PA. Sign up and issue of Poker run entry Card and first card draw would be competed at the Easton post. Individual departure to complete route 1000-1230hrs. Last departure from Post 588 at 1230hrs. Final stop is at the Hokendaqua Post 739, 3154 Front St in Hokendaqua. Distance is approx 60 miles to all stops. Cost is $15 per Rider and $10 per passenger for early registration $20 /10 at the door. Donation covers entry, beer, soda, food provided to participants at the Hokendaqua Post. DJ “That CD Guy” will be playing and door prize drawings will be held at the Hokendaqua Post as well as prizes for Poker run winners. Proceeds benefit American Legion Riders chapters that are active in supporting veteran and soldier support activities, including soldiers serving overseas currently, and providing veteran’s facilities visits and programs that comfort aging veteran’s in Eastern Pennsylvania.

22 June 2008 - Patriots M.C. L.V. Poker Run - 1st annual poker run. Sunday June 22, 2008. Ride kicks off from 2nd and Bridge streets Catasauqua PA. Registration 9 A.M. to 11 A.M. A 2 hour ride through the blue mountains returning back to the center of Catty. Cost: $20 per motorcycle ($15 in advance) $25 with a passenger ($20 in advance). Drinks, food & music included. Featuring "Bang Bang Betty" 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Cash prizes,door prizes,50/50,basket of cheer. Proceed to benefit the Catasauqua American Legion and our veterans

4-6 July 2008 - S&K Farm event

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