Thursday, August 30, 2007

ALR Post 588 Update

Note Change for meeting date and time

The American Legion Riders met at the post on 12 August at 1400hrs.

No new members. Event Calendar was discussed as well as concept and planning for a 2008 Poker Run to be sponsored by the post and another ALR chapter. Tentative planning date for 08 Poker run is set for 21 June 2008. We will put together a proposal and discuss with the other chapter to determine if they are willing to set event up.

Pokey and the Colonel attended the ALR state rally at Mountaintop American Legion Post 781 over the weekend of 17-19 August. This event was restricted to American Legion Riders and was attended by members of several dozen ALR chapters from throughout the state. The event was a good time and we met and discussed ideas and issues with several groups that have been established in AL community. Some ideas we may consider will be discussed at our next post meeting.


1 September 2007 - There is a Poker Run For Broad Mountain ABATE sign up is 11 Am to 12:30 pm at The Boonies Cafe 1000 East Catawissa St Nesquehoning, PA Donations of $15 per rider and $10 per passenger there will be games food and entertainment. FMI please contact Poacher by Email (FYI)

1 September 2007 Welcome Home Town Heroes 2 11:30 Am at Van Fleets Grove Daleville, PA Routes 380 & 307 Tickets are $35.00 children up to 12 are free FMI call (570) 840- 1227 (FYI)

2 September 2007 - Tamaqua ALT attending the Star Riders run for second chance pet adoption. The day is Sunday the 2nd.Registration starts at 10 AM The place is PenArgyl Cycle Route 512 PenArgyl, PA. Donations are $20 per Bike for more info on this please call Marty (570) 856- 3807 (FYI)

8 September 2007 - Tamaqua American Legion Riders 1st annual Ride for Phone Cards for Our Troops overseas Registration starts at 10 Am - 12 pm There is a donation of $10 per Rider and $5 per passenger. FMI call (570) 386-4835 (sister ALR event 5 Points)

16 September 2007 - 1400hrs Post 588 ALR meeting at Rice-Ebner (NOTE CHANGE)

15 September 2007 - American Legion Riders of Freeland Post 473 are having their 2nd annual Emilio Ranieri Memorial Run The date is Sept 15th Registration starts at 10AM -12 pm Donations of $15 per rider and $10 per passenger FMI please contact Dwight (570)636-1034 (sister ALR event 5 points)

22 September 2007 - Ride to Orange County Choppers Leave from Rice-Ebner at about 0900hrs and ride to Rock Tavern, NY to visit OCC store and shops. (Seaweed is coordinator) This is one of our post events (5 Points)

?? September 2007 - Veteran's Home party support - with Legion Auxiliary ride to Spring City Veteran's home to conduct annual Fall festival for Veteran's home residents. This is a service to Veteran’s event for the Club (20 Points)

As requested: Orientation rides – Weekday night rides from Legion to other Legions, HD Dealerships/ etc… new rider break-in conducted by our Road Captain – e-Mail when you would like to ride… Will work etiquette, signals, safe riding tips with our road captain “the Colonel” - These rides are voluntary and will help new and rusty riders get some seat time and skill development.

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