Monday, September 17, 2007

ALR September Update

The American Legion Riders met at the Post on 16 September at 1400hrs.
We would like to welcome a new member, Robert Halfacre (AKA: Onestone).
Election of Officers was held with the following results:
President: Bill Femia
Vice-President: Jim Johnstone
Seceratry/Treasure: Karen Smith
Road Captain: Stan Smith
Chaplian: George Bloomer
Sergeant of Arms: Paul Krecker
Membership Officer: Terri Krecker

Bill, Paul and Terri attended bike week at Wildwood, NJ. Bill reported on some of the rides/events that they participated in.

Details are being working for the poker run in June 08.
After the meeting we went on a short ride to map out a route for the poker run.


22 September: Ride to Orange County Chopper.
We will be leaving the Post at 0930hrs, please make sure you start the trip with a full tank of gas. After the visit we will be stopping for lunch somewhere along the Hudson River. All are welcome to attend this ride.

13 October: Coopersburg Harley Owners Group: 5th Annual Toy Run.
Benefits Bucks County Children and Youth Service Registration begins at 0930hrs at Giant Market Parking Lot in Quakertown ( Corner of RTs309, 313 and 663), Destination: Bucks County Children and Youth Service Doylestown (Corner of Rts 313 and 611). Cost is a NEW UNWRAPPED TOY OR GAMES. Contact person: Ruth Ricci 215-292-2647

14 October: Schaeffer's Harley-Davidson/Buell.
Fall Foliage Ride. Contact Schaeffer's at 570-366-0143 or for more information.

13-14 October Winery Trip.
13 Oct --Trip starts at the Chestnut Hill dinner at 0630hrs (earlier if you want breakfast).
Depart at 0700hrs Lunch at 1300hrs at Rooster Fish Brewing, Watkins Glen, NY.
1400hrs-1600hrs visits to 3 wineries. 1700hrs arrive at Holiday inn in Waterloo.
2000hrs dinner at Heritage Cafe.

14 Oct--0900hrs breakfast at Heritage Cafe, depart Holiday Inn at 1030hrs, winery visit at 1100hrs, 1200hrs continue home.
To attend this event you must confirm your own rooms w/ credit card by 1 Oct. Call 315-539-5011 use Code "EMG" Can choose from three packages.

a. "Two Wheel Riding Package" (Room, Breakfast & Dinner in Heritage Cafe) $199/double occupancy.

b. Room and Breakfast -$144/double occupancy.

c. Room only- $129/double occupancy.

Sites of interest:
Any questions/suggestions please feel free to call: 484-695-2050 (cell) or 610-381-3356 (home) or e-mail

TBD: 2007 - Veteran's Home party support - with Legion Auxiliary ride to Spring City Veteran's home to conduct annual Fall festival for Veteran's home residents. This is a service to Veteran’s event for the Club (20 Points)

As requested: Orientation rides – Weekday night rides from Legion to other Legions, HD Dealerships/ etc… new rider break-in conducted by our Road Captain – e-Mail when you would like to ride… Will work etiquette, signals, safe riding tips with our road captain “the Colonel” - These rides are voluntary and will help new and rusty riders get some seat time and skill development.

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